387 research outputs found

    Generation Z consumers' expectations of interactions in smart retailing: a future agenda

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    Retailing is witnessing a transformation due to rapid technological developments. Retailers are using smart technologies to improve consumer shopping experiences and to stay competitive. The biggest future challenge for marketing and consequently for retailing seems to be generation Z, since members of this generation seem to behave differently as consumers and are more focused on innovation. The aim of this paper is to explore Generation Z consumers’ current perceptions, expectations and recommendations in terms of their future interactions in smart retailing contexts. To do so, we used a qualitative approach by conducting a series of semi-structured in depth interviews with 38 university students-consumers in the UK market. The findings showed that smart technologies have a significant influence on generation Z consumers’ experiences. Moreover, this particular group of consumers expects various new devices and electronic processes to be widely available, thus offering consumers more autonomy and faster transactions. In addition, they expect the technology to enable them to make more informed shopping decisions. Interviewees also stressed the importance of training consumers how to use new smart retailing applications. In addition, some of the participants were sceptical about the effects of further advancing smart retailing on part of the job market. Relevant theoretical and practical implications are also provided

    The effect of sport tourists' travel style, destination and event choices, and motivation on their involvement in small-scale sports events

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    This exploratory study investigates whether and in which way motivation and destination, travel and event selection criteria influence sport tourists ’ involvement in small-scale events. Thus, a model was developed and tested at a small scale sport event in Sfendami, Greece. To test the six hypotheses of the proposed model a primary research study was conducted, which received responses from 181 participants. Implementation of the partial least square technique showed that changes in sport tourists’ travel style exert a direct and positive effect on involvement, as well as an indirect effect with motivation acting as a mediator; however, perception of destination and events characteristics does not exert a significant influence on participants’ involvement. Additionally, the model's ability to predict the motivational aspects of sport tourists’ participation was demonstrated. Multidimensional scaling was employed to assist with event service design and improve organizers’ capabilities to develop effective promotional strategies

    Underlying motivating factors for movie-induced tourism among Emiratis and Indian expatriates in the United Arab Emirates

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    This study explores the underlying motivating factors of Emiratis and Indian expatriates to visit destinations featured in movies. The results revealed a five-factor structure for Indians: novelty, fantasy-driven, personal connection, prestige and movie connection, vis-Ă -vis a three-factor structure for Emiratis: novelty, fantasy-driven and personal connection with the movie location. An analyses of variance analysis (ANOVA) showed significant differences in the individual mean scores of items, with the exception of novelty. Regarding gender, while no significant differences were found between the male and female Indian expatriate populations across all factors and underlying items, differences for some items were observed between male and female Emiratis, with male participants demonstrating higher motivation than female participants. These findings support the notion that the underlying factors influencing movie-induced tourism differ between cultures, while the influence of gender was found to be limited. Overall, the study enhances the understanding of practitioners and policymakers tasked with attracting tourists to movie destinations

    Detection of discriminative sequence patterns in the neighborhood of proline cis peptide bonds and their functional annotation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polypeptides are composed of amino acids covalently bonded via a peptide bond. The majority of peptide bonds in proteins is found to occur in the <it>trans </it>conformation. In spite of their infrequent occurrence, <it>cis </it>peptide bonds play a key role in the protein structure and function, as well as in many significant biological processes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We perform a systematic analysis of regions in protein sequences that contain a proline <it>cis </it>peptide bond in order to discover non-random associations between the primary sequence and the nature of proline <it>cis/trans </it>isomerization. For this purpose an efficient pattern discovery algorithm is employed which discovers regular expression-type patterns that are overrepresented (i.e. appear frequently repeated) in a set of sequences. Four types of pattern discovery are performed: i) exact pattern discovery, ii) pattern discovery using a chemical equivalency set, iii) pattern discovery using a structural equivalency set and iv) pattern discovery using certain amino acids' physicochemical properties. The extracted patterns are carefully validated using a specially implemented scoring function and a significance measure (i.e. log-probability estimate) indicative of their specificity. The score threshold for the first three types of pattern discovery is 0.90 while for the last type of pattern discovery 0.80. Regarding the significance measure, all patterns yielded values in the range [-9, -31] which ensure that the derived patterns are highly unlikely to have emerged by chance. Among the highest scoring patterns, most of them are consistent with previous investigations concerning the neighborhood of <it>cis </it>proline peptide bonds, and many new ones are identified. Finally, the extracted patterns are systematically compared against the PROSITE database, in order to gain insight into the functional implications of <it>cis </it>prolyl bonds.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>Cis </it>patterns with matches in the PROSITE database fell mostly into two main functional clusters: family signatures and protein signatures. However considerable propensity was also observed for targeting signals, active and phosphorylation sites as well as domain signatures.</p

    Effect of ultrasound on bone fracture healing:A computational bioregulatory model

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    peer reviewedBone healing is a complex biological procedure in which several cellular actions, directed by biochemical and mechanical signals, take place. Experimental studies have shown that ultrasound accelerates bone ossification and has a multiple influence on angiogenesis. In this study a mathematical model predicting bone healing under the presence of ultrasound is demonstrated. The primary objective is to account for the ultrasound effect on angiogenesis and more specifically on the transport of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Partial differential equations describing the spatiotemporal evolution of cells, growth factors, tissues and ultrasound acoustic pressure and velocity equations determining the development of the blood vessel network constitute the present model. The effect of the ultrasound characteristics on angiogenesis and bone healing is investigated by applying different boundary conditions of acoustic pressure at the periosteal region of the bone model, which correspond to different intensity values. The results made clear that ultrasound enhances angiogenesis mechanisms during bone healing. The proposed model could be regarded as a step towards the monitoring of the effect of ultrasound on bone regeneration. © 2018Action “Supporting Postdoctoral Researchers” of the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” (Action’s Beneficiary: General Secretariat for Research and Technology); Greek State (PE8-3347

    Effect of ultrasound on bone fracture healing:A computational mechanobioregulatory model

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    Bone healing process is a complicated phenomenon regulated by biochemical and mechanical signals. Experimental studies have shown that ultrasound (US) accelerates bone ossification and has a multiple influence on cell differentiation and angiogenesis. In a recent work of the authors, a bioregulatory model for providing bone-healing predictions was addressed, taking into account for the first time the salutary effect of US on the involved angiogenesis. In the present work, a mechanobioregulatory model of bone solidification under the US presence incorporating also the mechanical environment on the regeneration process, which is known to affect cellular processes, is presented. An iterative procedure is adopted, where the finite element method is employed to compute the mechanical stimuli at the linear elastic phases of the poroelastic callus region and a coupled system of partial differential equations to simulate the enhancement by the US cell angiogenesis process and thus the oxygen concentration in the fractured area. Numerical simulations with and without the presence of US that illustrate the influence of progenitor cells' origin in the healing pattern and the healing rate and simultaneously demonstrate the salutary effect of US on bone repair are presented and discussed

    Diffuse anorectal melanoma; review of the current diagnostic and treatment aspects based on a case report

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    Primary anorectal melanoma is a rare and aggressive disease. Patients commonly complain for changes in bowel habits and rectal bleeding, and proctoscopically they mostly appear as non pigmented or lightly pigmented polypoid lesions. Such a lesion should always raise a high index of suspicion in any gastroenterologist or surgeon to prompt surgery, since early radical excision is the only treatment option

    ARTreat Project: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Plaque Formation and Development in the Arteries

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    Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease characterized by the accumulation of lipids and fibrous elements in arteries. It is characterized by dysfunction of endothelium and vasculitis, and accumulation of lipid, cholesterol, and cell elements inside blood vessel wall. In this study, a continuum-based approach for plaque formation and development in 3-D is presented. The blood flow is simulated by the 3-D Navier-Stokes equations, together with the continuity equation while low-density lipoprotein (LDL) transport in lumen of the vessel is coupled with Kedem-Katchalsky equations. The inflammatory process was solved using three additional reaction-diffusion partial differential equations. Transport of labeled LDL was fitted with our experiment on the rabbit animal model. Matching with histological data for LDL localization was achieved. Also, 3-D model of the straight artery with initial mild constriction of 30% plaque for formation and development is presented

    Spontaneous regression of a true splenic cyst: a case report and review of the literature

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    Splenic cysts are rare clinical findings, detected due to derivative symptoms or as a random discovery in abdominal imaging. Although there still remains controversy as to their optimal treatment, bigger secondary cysts should be treated surgically. However, spontaneous regression may be observed in cysts with a diameter smaller than 4 cm. In these cases, expectant treatment is preferable. We report, herein, a single case of a splenic cyst in an adult woman, who reported minor symptoms despite the size of the lesion and who demonstrated a possible almost total regression of the cyst within a ten-year period, accompanying with review of the most recent literature

    Developing and testing a robotic MRI/CT fusion biopsy technique using a purpose-built interventional phantom.

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to target tumour components in biopsy procedures, while the ability to precisely correlate histology and MRI signal is crucial for imaging biomarker validation. Robotic MRI/computed tomography (CT) fusion biopsy offers the potential for this without in-gantry biopsy, although requires development. METHODS: Test-retest T1 and T2 relaxation times, attenuation (Hounsfield units, HU), and biopsy core quality were prospectively assessed (January-December 2021) in a range of gelatin, agar, and mixed gelatin/agar solutions of differing concentrations on days 1 and 8 after manufacture. Suitable materials were chosen, and four biopsy phantoms were constructed with twelve spherical 1-3-cm diameter targets visible on MRI, but not on CT. A technical pipeline was developed, and intraoperator and interoperator reliability was tested in four operators performing a total of 96 biopsies. Statistical analysis included T1, T2, and HU repeatability using Bland-Altman analysis, Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), and intraoperator and interoperator reliability. RESULTS: T1, T2, and HU repeatability had 95% limits-of-agreement of 8.3%, 3.4%, and 17.9%, respectively. The phantom was highly reproducible, with DSC of 0.93 versus 0.92 for scanning the same or two different phantoms, respectively. Hit rate was 100% (96/96 targets), and all operators performed robotic biopsies using a single volumetric acquisition. The fastest procedure time was 32 min for all 12 targets. CONCLUSIONS: A reproducible biopsy phantom was developed, validated, and used to test robotic MRI/CT-fusion biopsy. The technique was highly accurate, reliable, and achievable in clinically acceptable timescales meaning it is suitable for clinical application
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